Monday, June 2, 2008

The first day of "pee-kool"

Hubby and I were up and ready to go early (for us) this morning. I think both of us were excited and nervous, hoping the Monkey would be a good boy and quite sure he would have a good time. I guess hubby thought we had to be at school at 8:30 am (we had to be there at 9 am), so we carpooled and left the house about 7:45 am. Of course, when we're on time (or early), traffic was a breeze, so we were really early!

We got to school at 8:15 am, and since we didn't want to drop him off 45 minutes early, I made an executive decision to get Burger King breakfast (it's been years since I've had their breakfast...mmmm). We hung out in the car in the parking lot for as long as our nervous selves could handle it, and then headed to school.

The Monkey was so excited and cute, we found his classroom, and he was the first one there. He strutted in with his "Thomas the Train" backpack on. One of his teachers asked if he'd like to hang up his backpack (he has his own hook and cubby, too cute)...he politely declined and headed to the books. I dropped off the required "shared snack" and the Monkey's supply of diapers and then hubby and I headed to the office for a few minutes to drop off some forms.

Hubby wanted to go back to say good-bye, so we went back and the first thing the teacher said was, "Wow, he loves to read". Hubby and I giggled...NO KIDDING. That kid is one seriously cute bookworm. Hubby got in some kisses, I said good-bye from the door and off we went.

We returned promptly at 12:25 (they charge you for every 5 minutes you are late - that's going to force me to be on time!). The door was closed and the backpacks were lined up along the outside wall. We saw the Monkey running around, and he was really excited to see us. We met his other teacher and she said that he was really good today! I grabbed his backpack and noted that about 3 bites had been taken of his peanut butter and jelly sandwich - of course he was too busy to eat lunch (he made up for it at dinner).

The chatty Monkey had a great time, and after talking up a storm, he finally fell asleep on the car ride home and took a 3 hour nap. He said he had fun and he'd like to go back to "pee-kool", but he really wants to ride on a school bus.

I only got one good photo - he was too busy this morning to get any serious "first day of school photos". But he sure is cute :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Monkey is so grown up! What a cute first-day picture, it captures exactly what he's like :)